
The rare Mossy Yemeni Aqeeq - a stone that combines beauty and rarity.

السعر الأصلي هو: $50.00.السعر الحالي هو: $39.00.

Enjoy the rare Moss Yemeni Agate gemstone, a unique stone that combines natural beauty and rarity. It is extracted from the original Yemeni Agate mines in Yemen and processed at the Yemeni Agate workshop in Sana'a. This gemstone stands out with its excellent size and exquisite royal design, and it captivates with its attractive colors of red and blue. Make it a part of your collection and enjoy a touch of luxury and elegance that this unique stone adds to your life.



Enjoy the beauty of the rare Moss Yemeni Agate gemstone, a stone that combines beauty and rarity. This unique stone is extracted from the original Yemeni Agate mines in Yemen and processed at the Yemeni Agate workshop in Sana'a. It stands out with its excellent size and exquisite royal craftsmanship, and features stunning shades of red and blue. Immerse yourself in the beauty of natural Yemeni Agate and add it to your collection to bring a touch of luxury and elegance.

عقيق يماني طحلبي نادر - صورة الحجر النادر والجميل من العقيق اليماني
Rare Moss Yemeni Agate gemstone - rare and unique beauty.

Size of the cab

Length: 25mm

Width: 19mm

Height: 7mm

Moss Yemeni Agate comes in various collections and colors. Explore this variety in the Moss Yemeni Agate section of the Yemeni Agate store at the following link. (Moss Yemeni Agate)We showcase unique samples of rare Moss Yemeni Agate on our Facebook page. You can visit the link to explore this variety. (Yemen Agate Jewelry).