Explore the beauty of Yemeni Agate Pictorial , a unique stone that contains natural images and patterns within. It is considered an artistic masterpiece that combines the beauty of the natural stone with the unique images that appear in it.
This stone is known for its authenticity, as it is extracted from the rich mines of Yemen that contain genuine Agate. Yemeni Agate Pictorial features natural images and unique shapes that form part of its internal composition. This stone highlights a natural human-like image on its surface.
Get yourself a piece of Yemeni Agate Pictorial and enjoy the beauty of the natural stone and the unique images it holds. Each stone is a unique artistic piece, and no two stones are alike. This stone can be a distinctive piece in your jewelry collection or an art piece that adds a unique and mysterious touch to your display space.
Remember, Yemeni Agate Photography is the original Agate from Yemen and it contains natural images and patterns within. Enjoy the beauty of the natural and artistic stone in this unique Agate.
Size of the cab
Length: 24mm
Width: 20mm
Height: 11mm
Please have a look at the variety of Yemeni Agate Pictorial stones at the Yemen Agate Store on the following link. (Yemeni Pictorial Aqeeq).
And in the Yemeni Agate Store on Pinterest, you can see a unique and distinctive collection of Yemeni Agate stones at the following link. (Yemeni aqeeq).