
Shine with the luxurious splendor of authentic Yemeni Agate: a beauty that captivates the eyes.

السعر الأصلي هو: $49.00.السعر الحالي هو: $39.00.

the original Yemeni agate stone


Behold the splendor and luxury of the authentic Yemeni Jasper stone, renowned for its magnificent colors, excellent size, and exquisite craftsmanship. This genuine Yemeni Jasper is truly a one-of-a-kind piece that combines natural beauty with exceptional artistry.

This stone is distinguished by its magnificent colors, ranging from warm yellow and soft honey to enchanting white and elegant black. The beautiful color gradients reflect the beauty of nature and add a touch of elegance and luxury to the stone. These diverse colors will surely capture attention and bring a sense of authenticity and uniqueness to any jewelry collection.

In addition to its visual beauty, the authentic Yemeni Jasper stone is distinguished by its excellent size, making it a captivating piece. This unique stone can be used in jewelry design, such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces, to add a touch of luxury and elegance to your look.

And lastly, the authentic Yemeni Jasper stone is distinguished by its exquisite craftsmanship and intricate details, adding a touch of artistry and beauty to the stone. This fine craftsmanship reflects the skill and attention to detail of the artisans, making this piece a true work of art.

Enjoy the radiance and luxury of the authentic Yemeni Jasper stone, showcasing its eye-catching beauty that adds a touch of authenticity and elegance to your look.

حجر العقيق اليماني الأصلي والنادر
Indulge in unparalleled elegance with the authentic Yemeni Jasper stone. It's a true epitome of style!
Size of the cab
Length: 31mm
Width: 22mm
Height: 11mm

What is Yemeni Agate?

Yemeni Jasper is a type of gemstone renowned for its beautiful colors and unique formations. This stone is extracted from the mountains of Yemen and is considered one of the rarest and finest types of jasper available in the world.

What are the types of Yemeni Jasper?

The types of Yemeni Jasper vary based on their colors and shades, including yellow, pink, sky blue, and black. These colors differ in different proportions and reflect the beauty of nature in each piece.

How do you distinguish authentic Yemeni Jasper?

يمتاز العقيق اليماني الأصلي بألوانه الزاهية وتشكيلاته الفريدة. يتميز بوجود نقوش طبيعية وتدرجات لونية متنوعة. كما يتميز بقوامه الصلب وعدم وجود أي عيوب أو شوائب.

كم ثمن العقيق اليماني الأصلي؟

يتفاوت ثمن حجر العقيق اليماني الأصلي بناءً على حجمه وجودة الألوان والشغل. قد يتراوح سعره من متوسط ​​إلى مرتفع، حيث يُعتبر من الأحجار الكريمة الفاخرة.

من أين يمكن شراء حجر العقيق اليماني الأصلي على الانترنت؟

يمكن شراء حجر العقيق اليماني الأصلي عبر الانترنت من متجر العقيق اليماني المتخصص في بيع أجود أنواع العقيق اليماني وذلك بالذهاب الى الرابط التالي (Yemeni Agate Store) , تستطيع شراء العقيق اليماني من الانستقرام عبر الذهاب الى الرابط التالي (Yemeni aqeeq)

استمتع بتألق حجر العقيق اليماني الأصلي واستكشف جماله الفريد الذي يضفي لمسة من الأصالة والفخامة على مجموعتك المجوهرات.